This morning whilst looking for an apple in the fridge, I came across an odd looking fruit that wasn't quite an apple nor a peach nor pear; It was a mango. Being as I don't eat these very often, I thought that it would be nice for a change. Little did I know, mangoes have large seeds in the center and there is a specific way to cut one and everything. This required me to do some internet snooping and resulted in me following along with a youtube video on how to cut a mango. All in all, it was a very poor outcome.
I started by cutting the mango a little to the left of the middle leaving the stem still intact (with my favorite knife- as pictured). It came off easily.
Then I did the same to the other side, leaving that entire top part, with the white center (that's the pit) to be discarded. Seemed like a waste to me. I guess the seeds were more on the right so when I went to cut the second piece (face down) it was really tough.
Anyway, after all those shenanigans were over, it was time to actually cut it into edible pieces. I took the smaller, more depressed looking half and cut the skin off then just cut it using a knife. I got about 6 pieces out of that. Seems like a lot of work for a small amount of mango.
For the second half, I tried using some fancy technique that the online reference suggested. I used a small knife to cut slits in the mango then tried to use a spoon to scoop them up. It didn't look as clean-cut or professional when I attempted it but I think it worked. I got about 8 small pieces out of that leaving me with a very depressing end result.
Are you supposed to only get this much mango? It seemed strange to me. Maybe I'll try it again sometime and see if I can perfect my technique. It seems like such a hassle for such a small outcome. On the contrary, they were very delicious and even both my unadventurous grandparents seemed to enjoy it.
That's all for now. I still haven't got the photos from Saturday's race but I will eventually! At least it's something to look forward to.